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Selectmen's Minutes January 11, 2000
Minutes of Selectmen Meeting
January 11, 2000

Present:  Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Daniel Webster and Stephanie McSweeney (Peter Jones absent).  

7:45 p.m.  Chairman Webster called the meeting to order.  He read a letter from Senator Murray regarding the Citizen Legislative Seminar which will run every Wednesday from March 8th to April 12th.  Anyone interested should call Senator Murray’s Office at 617-722-1330.  Ms. Kuchinski indicated that she had participated and it was a very good program.

Letter from the 8-Town Board of Health Tobacco Control Program announcing that the Bryantville Deli will no longer be selling tobacco products.  They will be holding  freedom day on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 17th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  The program director Charlotte Scozzafava forward a resolution and requested the Board accept same.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to adopt the resolution.       Voted 4 - 0

Invitation from Rep. Marini to the public and the Board to a press conference in which he will be presenting the Parks & Field Commission a check in the amount of $50,000.00 for irrigation of the ball fields to be held on Friday, January 14th at 2:00 p.m.

Town Clerk request census - Ms. Kuchinski announced that the Town Clerk is encouraging everyone to return their census forms by January 20, 2000.

Mrs. Mary Lou Sutter from Capital Improvement was present to up date the Board on requests received by the committee.  She explained that there is a trend for additional space needs for the library, police station and senior center.  The Senior Center and Library are having heating problems as well a telephone problems.  The police department would like to update their phone system and computer systems.  The Chief is requesting computer equipment which can be moved in the event they get a new facility.  Camp Kiwanee has new programs for the recreation department and the facility needs a lot of repairs.  She indicated that all the projects tie into the Plymouth County Hospital Property.  Until we know just what is going to happen with the property none of the other requests will be able to be address.  Mr. Webster pointed out that the Town is in the process of obtained Requests for Proposals from consulting firms regarding the reuse of the property. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the status of the Hospital property, the master plan and capital improvements and which plan needed to be accomplished first in order to move forward.  Mrs. Murdoch feels that the community needs to be aware of the needs of the town regarding growth etc.  The Board also needs to be updated by Capital improvements.
Master Plan Committee - Ms. Kuchinski explained that the Committee is moving along with the plan.  A public visioning meeting was held approximately ten months ago.  There was a lot of good input.  They hope to have a draft of the Master Plan by January 24, 2000.  The Committee is planning to make a presentation at the Annual Town Meeting.  They are hopeful to have GIS  up and running by April 1st.  She agreed with Mrs. Sutter that the Plymouth County Hospital property will be a factor in the Master Plan.  The Committee hopes to have a completed plan within a year.  The Plan will address several issues concerning the Town such as land use, housing, economic and development, municipal resources, implementation etc.  Mrs. Murdoch feels that the Master Plan and Capital Improvement plan should be in place prior to holding public hearings.  Mr. Webster suggested sending a letter to the Master Plan committee requesting a copy of the draft plan as soon as it is available.  

Evaluation Tool - Present were Barbara Gomez, Carole McCormack and Sam Germaine.  The Board reviewed the tool and discussed what each number on the tool represented.  After lengthy discussion the Board determined that a 1 represents the individual meets the minimum standards; 2 - satisfactory; 3 - above average; and 4 - exceptional.  By using this method the “2.5” problem should be alleviated.  

Class II License Renewals - Bob’s Foreign Auto and 3-W Company, Wayne Webb.

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve renewal for Class II license for Bob’s Foreign Auto.  Voted 4 - 0.

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve renewal for Class II license for 3-W Company.  Voted 4 - 0.

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Stephanie McSweeney to open the May Special and May Annual Town meeting Warrant.  Both warrants to close on March 14th.  
Voted 4 - 0.

Assessor Cindy Long  was present to request vacation coverage during the month of February.  Mrs. Long pointed out that the individual is a long time employee and has taken this same weeks for several years.  However, the period is a very busy time for the office.  She is only requesting coverage for 16 hours per week.  Eight hours on Monday and eight hours on Thursday.   She also indicated that her other staff person requested the last week of February off and would need coverage on Monday and Tuesday that week.  She explained that the individual covering has worked in the office the past few years, has had assessing training, is familiar with the computer systems and would not require any training.  Ms. Kuchinski suggested having the employee take vacation during a different time of the year.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to grant the vacation request and allow substitution for 8 hours a day on Monday and Thursday and Monday and Tuesday on the fifth week.  Voted 4 - 0.

Custodian and Highway Union - Mr. Webster explained that the Highway union has requested that the position of the Town Hall Custodian be placed back in the union.  The position had originally be part of the union; however, when the hours were cut back ten years ago to 15 hours, the union could no longer maintain the position.  Mr. Webster indicated that Labor Counsel recommended allowing the position back in the Union.  Mr. Clemons expressed an interest in joining the Union.  However, no formal request has been made to the Board.  Ms. Kuchinski indicated that she wants a paper trail stating that the Union requested the move and Mr. Clemons was willing to go.  

Mr. Webster also pointed out that the Town needs to have someone oversee
Plymouth County Hospital property and suggested having the custodian perform the duties such as repairing broken windows, cleaning out the houses and garages.  Ms. Murdoch indicated that she wanted a cap on the number of hours.  Mr. Webster suggested having Mr. Clemons do an assessment of the properties and let the Board know how long he feels a clean up would take.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Stephanie McSweeney to grant the request for the Custodian to join the Highway union.  Voted 4 - 0.

FY 2001 Budget - Discussed the budget for presentation to the Finance Committee.

Insurance increased to $122,000 to cover the Plymouth County Hospital, Printing Line o.k at $6,000.00.; computer line o.k. at $60,000.00; legal line o.k. at $85,000.00, copy supply o.k at $7,500.00.  engineering increased to $25,000.00 to include sidewalk program at school and down Rt. 27;  demolition increased to $12,000.00 - Plymouth County Hospital may require additional work; Town Audit o.k. at $12,000.00; Utilities increased slightly to $130,000.00 to include the new addition; Town building increase approximately $7,500 for additional hours for custodian and landscaping costs Town Hall grounds; Board of Selectmen wages to included 3% increase for Board members, increase in clerical wages included additional staffing - to be tabled for review; Executive Secretary line to be reduces when contact is negotiated.  

MOTION  by Cathy Kuchinski, second Judy Murdoch to approve budget as discussed.  Voted 4 - 0.

Letter from Irene Sherry Kaplan requesting support for a grant for repairs on the generation equipment at the High School.  The School will be used in times of emergencies as a shelter.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to send a letter supporting the grant application. Voted 4 - 0.

Executive Secretary Process - Mr. Webster recommended that all the members proceed with the background checks and be prepared to discuss same at the next meeting.

Furnace Issue - Mr. Webster indicated that we are still awaiting additional figures for comparative purposes.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to adjourn.  Voted 4 - 0.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.